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Leaf Space Contest for Scientific Missions

SEPTEMBER 2017 –  After almost two years of developments our ground segment as a service Leaf Line is ready for commercial phase. This is quite a big deal for us and we wanted to celebrate. This is why Leaf Space is willing to offer 3 months of free ground service for your satellite scientific mission.

If you are part of a university, a research center or a non-profit organization you are eligible to apply. Send us a presentation of your project highlighting why we should choose your mission.

We owe a lot to the scientific community and we hope this can be our way to pay back.

Send us a mail to

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Success Story – D-Orbit service provision

JULY 2019 – Leaf Space has been collaborating with D-Orbit in several service provisions since early 2018, building a close relationship between the two companies. Consultancy for on-board TMTC systems, communications testing, hardware and subsystem provision are some of the...

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Leaf Space Contest for Scientific Missions