Thanks to our GSaaS solutions portfolio we’re able to provide the right service at the right time to any space asset. Leaf Line when full-flexibility and high capacity for small constellations are needed, Leaf Key when dedicated capacity is paramount and finally Leaf Track when you want to follow your launch vehicle to orbit and beyond.
The Multi-Mission Ground Segment as a Service Solution
We are passionate aboThe fully managed multi-mission GSaaS solution, ideal for the operators in need of high flexibility, fast service delivery, frequent daily contacts, low latency and best pricing.
Your Dedicated Ground Station Network
Fully-managed, dedicated GSaaS solution ideal for operators of medium-large constellations to replace large NRE, dedicated personnel and recurring costs with a monthly subscription plan proportional to the required performance.
Your only GSaaS solution for Launch Vehicles
The first GSaaS solution for Launch Vehicles tracking and real-time TM reception, based on GSs deployed on need at launch sites with additional support from the world-wide distributed Leaf Line network