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Mainstream Newspaper Corriere della Sera Article on Leaf Space – Virgin Orbit Collaboration

JANUARY 2020 – Leaf Space colaboration has been recently covered on Italy’s mainstream newspaper Corriere della Sera with a full page article, explaining the story and upcoming support Leaf Space will provide to the innovative smallsat launch system Virgin Orbit is developing.

Link to the article on Corriere della Sera here.


About Virgin Orbit

Virgin Orbit provides dedicated, responsive, and affordable launch services for small satellites. Virgin Orbit is developing LauncherOne, a flexible launch service for commercial and government-built satellites. LauncherOne rockets are designed and manufactured in Long Beach, California, and will be air-launched from a modified 747-400 carrier aircraft capable of operating from many locations in order to best serve each customer’s needs. Virgin Orbit’s systems are currently in an advanced stage of testing, with initial orbital launches expected soon. To learn more or to apply to join Virgin Orbit’s talented and growing team, visit

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MoU signed between Leaf Space and GOMSpace

SEPTEMBER 2019 – Leaf Space is proud to announce it partnership with GOMSpace, flagship NewSpace manufacturer and operator, with the signing of an MoU. The MoU focuses on the following points of development: Leaf Space has integrated GomSpace transceivers in...

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Mainstream Newspaper Corriere della Sera Article on Leaf Space – Virgin Orbit Collaboration