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MoU signed between Leaf Space and GOMSpace

SEPTEMBER 2019 – Leaf Space is proud to announce it partnership with GOMSpace, flagship NewSpace manufacturer and operator, with the signing of an MoU. 

The MoU focuses on the following points of development:

  • Leaf Space has integrated GomSpace transceivers in its Leaf Line Ground Segment service, which are now available to Leaf Space and GomSpace customers without integration fees.
  • GomSpace will be integrating the Leaf Space services with its Mega Constellations Operations Platform (MCOP) – made available for GomSpace customers through its Operations as a Service offering.
  • GomSpace and Leaf Space will ensure future compatibility and service availability by coordinating updates to API’s and firmware.

The collaboration is on a non-exclusive basis that allows customers to choose from compatible complementary services that best fit their mission needs.

“We are very pleased to continue to extend our integration with commercially available ground station networks – now including Leaf Space. With this collaboration, we will extend the operational capabilities of our Operations Service and increase the ground station coverage and availability for GomSpace customers through Leaf Space network,” says Niels Buus, CEO of GomSpace.

“This is a valuable opportunity for our company to start a collaboration with a global and pioneering small satellite manufacturer and service provider. In addition to making our network compatible with GomSpace’s manufactured radios, we will provide an immediately available ground segment service capability to broaden their portfolio. This will help potential customers find a complete solution for their mission while interfacing with GomSpace, assuring a reliable and consistent service thanks to the continuous work effort we will put into API and firmware updates, added to integration with the MCOP service” says Leaf Space CEO, Jonata Puglia.


About GomSpace Group AB
The company’s business operations are mainly conducted through the wholly-owned Danish subsidiary, GomSpace A/S, with operational office in Aalborg, Denmark. GomSpace is a space company with a mission to be engaged in the global market for space systems and services by introducing new products, i.e. components, platforms and systems based on innovation within professional nanosatellites. The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier exchange under the ticker GOMX. FNCA Sweden AB,, +46-8-528 00 399 is the Company’s Certified Adviser. For more information, please visit our website on

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MoU signed between Leaf Space and GOMSpace