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Corriere della Sera quotes Leaf Space as Best Practice

OCTOBER 2019 – CEO Jonata Puglia was contacted a few weeks ago from flagship Italian news agency Corriere della Sera for an interview regarding Leaf Space. We are very pleased with their evaluation of the company as one of three Italian best practices operating in the space sector, highlighting the past, present and future progress in developing our ground station network and services.

The full article is available here!

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Leaf Space Proudly Supports ISRO’s Space Docking Experiment (SpaDeX), PSLV launch vehicle tracking, and POEM-4 platform

Como, December 30, 2024 – Leaf Space, a leading provider of Ground Segment-as-a-Service (GSaaS) solutions, is delighted to work with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to support the SpaDeX satellites, PSLV launch vehicle tracking, and POEM-4 platform. These landmark missions...

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Corriere della Sera quotes Leaf Space as Best Practice