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Leaf Line Expands With a New GS in Santa Maria, Azores

AUGUST 2020 – We’ve started our global implementation operations once again, despite the complex sitaution, and got a new proprietary GS up and running in the Azores! The new ground station will be part of our worldwide distributed ground station network, Leaf Line, capable of providing ground segment services to multiple New Space satellite operators. 

This location gives Leaf Space additional capabilities to service low inclination satellites and additional capacity for other orbits, including SSO, especially thanks to the access point located in a remote area of the Atlantic. 

Thanks to our local partner EDISOFT – DEFENCE & AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGIES for the support and for the news coverage! Santa Maria, Azores – GS Video

Stay tuned as we will be expanding further our global coverage with new GS deployments and activations.

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Leaf Space supports ESA’s OPS-SAT mission

JANUARY 2020 – Having been awarded the contract to support the launch and early orbit phase (LEOP) of ESA’s new OPS-SAT cubesat, Leaf Space has been successfully supporting the mission’s ground segment with its ground station network since launch on...

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Leaf Line Expands With a New GS in Santa Maria, Azores