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Leaf Space and Alén Space announce MCS and ground segment service partnership


Leaf Space and Alén Space announce Memorandum of Understanding to integrate Leaf Space’s ground segment services into Alén Space’s mission control software.

Leaf Space and Alén Space announce a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a framework agreement providing Leaf Space’s services and products to Alen Space’s customers. Leaf Space’s ground segment services will be delivered to Alen Space’s customers using Leaf Space’s interface (API and real-time TT&C) and Alen Space’s proprietary mission control software or third parties’ mission control software.

Leaf Space has been offering ground segment services since late 2017. Thanks to its Leaf Line ground station network, Leaf Space has successfully provided its services to different operators in the NewSpace environment, showing its capability of filling the gap for ground segment as-a-service provision. The proprietary ground segment infrastructure provides redundancy and reliability, and the versatile service can be easily integrated into third-party assets such as Alén Space’s mission control software.

According to Giovanni Pandolfi Bortoletto, CTO of Leaf Space, “This partnership creates value for customers as a new and complete service package will be soon available. Customers will be able to find a ground segment solution already integrated with an excellent mission control software, optimizing capability of managing operations and providing an easier and quicker service initialization”.

In order to provide the better service to its customers, Alén Space is settling key partnerships with international suppliers of hardware, software and services that will be integrated in Alén’s mission value chain. This agreement between Alén Space and Leaf Space will allow to provide a complete service to their customers during the operational phase and a seamlessly integration of their satellites into Leaf’s network.

“This agreement with Leaf Space will allow us to offer a more complete service to our customers. Ground segment is a key part of any space system and have the right partners to deploy a complete system it is very important for us. This agreement will assure that our satellite platforms, satellite radios and Mission Control Software seamlessly integrates with Leaf Space network” said Alberto González, CTO of Alén Space.

According to company officials, the framework agreement will be finalized soon, making the integrated services available for the NewSpace economy players as soon as 2020.


About Alén Space

Alén Space is a company based in Spain near the city of Vigo. Alén Space is staffed by a highly qualified team of engineers with more than eleven years of experience in developing nanosat missions. With a great focus on advanced communication solutions, Alén Space have the technology and know-how to help companies to take their business into space based on the design, production and operation of small satellites for the applications they require. Quality and technology have been the hallmarks of Alén’s teamwork since 2008.

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Leaf Space and Alén Space announce MCS and ground segment service partnership